Technical Minecraft Wikia

How to replace a block in a region with an entity[]

The last one was outdated, limited to certain items, and didn't even work. amazing56789 updated it to this ↓

parenthises: command or part of a command

text: have to put this in

angle brackets: replace this with your own, but required

square brackets: optional

One Way:

First select the region with fill. (/fill <coordinate of first corner> <coordinate of second corner>). Now, replace it with a command block: (/fill <coordinate of first corner> <coordinate of second corner> command_block{auto:1,Command:"/summon <Entity> ~ ~2 ~"} [replace <block>]. You should have a bunch of command blocks with items on top of them if you ran the SINGLE command. Now to clear the command blocks, and replace them with your own block: (/fill <coordinate of first corner> <coordinate of second corner> <whatever block you want to make it> replace command_block). If there are other command blocks that you don't want to replace, do this: (/fill <coordinate of first corner> <coordinate of second corner> <whatever block you want to make it> replace command_block{auto:1,Command:"/summon <Entity> ~ ~2 ~"}). To make them items, replace (<Entity>) with item{Item:{id:[minecraft:]<whatever item>,Count:<how many items for each block>}}. Now you should have entities on top of blocks!


You fill a region with command blocks that automatically activate. These command blocks summon the entities. Then, you replace the command blocks with your own blocks.

Sorry I couldn't remove these ↓


Destroy & Replace (Destroy Specific Blocks in a Fill Command)

This explains the method.

Example of it in use


MINECRAFT UNMODDED Cave-ins from Terrafirmacraft - Vanilla Minecraft!

Here is one example for a usage of this concept.
